How To Whip A Dirt Bike? Complete Guide To Whip Dirt Bike 2022

How To Whip A Dirt Bike Complete Guide To Whip Dirt Bike 2022

Dirt biking is a thrilling and exciting sport that has gained immense popularity in recent years. Riding a dirt bike requires a unique set of skills, including balance, coordination, and control. 

One of the essential skills that every dirt bike rider must learn is how to whip a dirt bike. Whipping is a technique that involves jumping the bike and then turning it sideways in mid-air. 

It is a popular trick that looks cool and helps riders navigate tight corners and obstacles. In this article, BSXInsight will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to whip a dirt bike like a pro.

What Is Whipping?

Whipping is a technique used by dirt bike riders to turn their bikes sideways in mid-air. It is a popular trick in motocross and other dirt biking disciplines that involves jumping the bike and then twisting the handlebars and body to turn the bike sideways.

Whipping is typically performed over jumps or other obstacles, requiring a lot of skill and practice to execute correctly.

Whipping can serve both a functional and aesthetic purpose in dirt biking. In addition to looking impressive, whipping can help riders navigate tight corners and obstacles more efficiently.

By turning the bike sideways in mid-air, riders can change their trajectory and land at a different angle, allowing them to make quick turns and adjustments to their line.

Overall, whipping is an essential skill that every dirt bike rider should learn, and with practice, it can become a valuable tool in a rider’s repertoire.

Things To Consider Before Whipping a Dirt Bike:

Things To Consider Before Whipping a Dirt Bike

Whipping a dirt bike is an exciting maneuver that requires a lot of practice and skill to execute correctly.

While it can be an impressive trick, it’s essential to approach it carefully and respect the risks involved. Before attempting to whip your dirt bike, there are several important things to consider.

Every rider should keep three key factors in mind before attempting to whip their bike: their skill level, how much space they need, and how much their bike can handle.

What is Your Skill Level?

Before attempting to whip a dirt bike, it’s important to evaluate your skill level and make sure you are comfortable with basic jumping and cornering techniques.

Whipping is an advanced maneuver that requires a high level of skill and experience.

If you are a beginner or still mastering these skills, it’s best to hold off on attempting to whip your bike until you have built up more confidence and experience.

How Much Space Do You Need?

How Much Space Do You Need

Whipping a dirt bike requires a lot of space to execute correctly. It’s important to make sure you have enough space to complete the maneuver safely.

Ideally, you should have a large, open area with a well-formed jump and landing zone.

Attempting to whip your bike in a small or confined space increases the risk of colliding with obstacles or other riders, which could result in serious injury.

H3: How Much Can Your Bike Handle?

Whipping puts a lot of stress on your bike’s suspension, frame, and other components. Before attempting to whip your dirt bike, it’s important to make sure your bike is in good condition and can handle the strain.

Check your bike’s suspension, brakes, and tires to ensure they are in good working order. If your bike is in poor condition or not suited for jumping and other advanced maneuvers, attempting to whip it could be dangerous or cause damage to your bike.

How To Whip A Dirt Bike?

How To Whip A Dirt Bike

Whipping a dirt bike is a popular trick that involves getting your bike sideways in the air while jumping. It’s a challenging maneuver that requires practice and skill and focuses on executing correctly. Here is the step-by-step process of how to whip a dirt bike.

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Step 1: Get Your Dirt Bike on the Jump

Before whipping your dirt bike, you need to get it on the jump. Approach the jump at a moderate speed and hit it with a straight trajectory.

You should have enough speed to clear the jump and land safely on the other side. Make sure you have good control over your bike before attempting a whip.

Step 2: Ride to the Top

As you approach the top of the jump, start to shift your weight to the outside of the bike and lean over to one side. This will help you get your bike sideways in the air, which is the key to performing a whip.

Step 3: Lean Over and Jump!

As you reach the top of the jump, lean over even further to the side and jump off the bike.

This will cause your bike to rotate in the opposite direction, creating the whip effect. Be sure to keep your body tight and focused during the maneuver.

Step 4: Push Down The Bars to Make Your Bike Go Faster

As your bike rotates, push down on the handlebars to make your bike spin faster. This will create a more impressive whip and add to the overall effect.

Remember to keep your balance and control over the bike at all times.

Step 5: Pull Your Bike Straight After You Land

As you approach the landing, start to straighten your bike out by pulling it back to its original position.

This will ensure a safe and smooth landing. Keep your body stable and your eyes focused on the landing spot.

Step 6: Straighten it Out and Ride

After landing, straighten out your bike and ride away. Take a moment to celebrate your successful whip and enjoy the rush of adrenaline.

Make sure to regain your control over the bike and maintain your balance.

Step 7: Practice Makes Perfect!

Whipping a dirt bike is a challenging maneuver that requires a lot of practice and patience to master.

Keep practicing and refining your technique, and before you know it, you’ll be whipping your bike like a pro. It’s important to start slow and gradually build up your speed and skill level.

Things You Need To Pay Attention For First Whipping

Things You Need To Pay Attention For First Whipping

If you’re new to whipping a dirt bike, it’s essential to pay attention to some key factors to ensure your safety and maximize your success.

Start with Lower Jumps, Be Safe

Whipping a dirt bike requires skill, practice, and experience. It’s crucial to start with smaller jumps before attempting larger ones.

This will help you build your confidence and skill level gradually. It’s also essential to wear appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet, gloves, and protective clothing.

How Fast to Be Going Towards the Jump

The speed at which you approach the jump is essential for a successful whip. You need to have enough speed to clear the jump and get your bike in the air, but not so fast that you lose control of your bike.

Experiment with different speeds and find the sweet spot that works best for you.

How Best to Setup the Jump

The setup of the jump is critical for a successful whip. Make sure the jump is well-built, stable, and in good condition.

You may also want to consider adjusting the angle and height of the jump to suit your skill level and riding style.

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How to Form your Body

How to Form your Body

Your body position is crucial when whipping a dirt bike. You need to lean your body to the side and shift your weight to the outside of the bike as you approach the jump. This will help you get your bike sideways in the air, creating the whip effect.


As you reach the top of the jump, push down on the handlebars and lean even further to the side.

This will help you get your bike rotating in the opposite direction, creating the whip effect. Keep your body tight and focused during the maneuver.

You’re in the Air, Now What?

Once you’re in the air, keep your eyes focused on the landing spot and stay relaxed. Push down on the handlebars to make your bike spin faster and create a more impressive whip.

Remember to keep your balance and control over the bike at all times.

Coming Back Down

As you approach the landing, start to straighten your bike out by pulling it back to its original position. This will ensure a safe and smooth landing. Keep your body stable and your eyes focused on the landing spot.

Touch Down

Once you touch down, straighten out your bike and ride away. Take a moment to celebrate your successful whip and enjoy the rush of adrenaline. Remember always to wear protective gear and ride safely.

Tips to Whip a Dirt Bike

Tips to Whip a Dirt Bike

Whipping a dirt bike is an exhilarating experience requiring skill, technique, and practice. If you’re interested in mastering this technique, here are some tips to help you whip your dirt bike like a pro:


Whipping a dirt bike requires determination and persistence. It’s important to approach this technique with a positive attitude and be prepared to put in the time and effort required to master it.

Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t come easily at first; keep practicing, and you’ll eventually get it right.

Take time to learn

Whipping a dirt bike is a complex technique that requires a solid foundation of skills and knowledge.

Take time to learn the proper techniques, such as body positioning, throttle control, and timing. Start with smaller jumps and work your way up to more advanced tricks and maneuvers.

Avoid learning to whip in extremely rutted surfaces

Avoid learning to whip in extremely rutted surfaces

Riding on extremely rutted surfaces can make it difficult to maintain control of your bike and increase the risk of accidents.

It’s best to start on smoother surfaces until you feel comfortable with your abilities and have built up your skills.

Go for higher jumps

Once you’ve built up your skills and feel confident in your abilities, try going for higher jumps.

This will provide more airtime and space to perform the whip, but make sure you have enough speed and control to land safely. It’s also important to choose jumps that are suitable for your skill level.

Make sure your bike’s condition is good

Before attempting any jumps, make sure your dirt bike is in good condition and well-maintained.

Check your tire pressure, brakes, and suspension to ensure they are functioning properly. A well-maintained bike is safer and more efficient to whip and will also help you achieve better results.

Whipping vs. Scrubbing: What’s The Difference?

Whipping vs. Scrubbing What's Different

Whipping and scrubbing are two popular techniques used in dirt bike riding. At the same time, both techniques involve performing maneuvers while in the air; they have different intentions and are executed in different ways.

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Whipping is a technique that involves the rider kicking the rear end of the bike out in mid-air and turning it sideways while still maintaining control.

The goal of the whip is to show off the rider’s style and control while in the air. Whipping requires a lot of skill and practice to execute properly, and it’s often used by riders to add flair to their riding.

Scrubbing, on the other hand, is a technique used to maintain speed while going over a jump.

The scrub is performed by quickly pushing the bike down towards the face of the jump to decrease the height of the jump and increase speed.

This technique is all about efficiency and speed rather than showing off style. Scrubbing is often used in races or competitions where shaving off seconds is crucial.

The main difference between whipping and scrubbing is the intention behind the technique.

Whipping is used to show off style and control, while scrubbing is used to maintain speed and efficiency. Whipping is a showier technique, while scrubbing is more about practicality and speed.

Another difference between whipping and scrubbing is body positioning.

Whipping requires the rider to lean their body weight towards the direction of the whip, while scrubbing requires the rider to crouch low over the bike to reduce air resistance and increase speed.

This difference in body positioning reflects the different intentions of the techniques.

Whipping is used to show off style and control, while scrubbing is used to maintain speed and efficiency. Both techniques require skill and practice to execute properly, and they are often used by riders to add style and practicality to their riding.


FAQs how to whip a dirt bike

Is it difficult to whip a dirt bike?

Yes, whipping a dirt bike is a difficult maneuver that requires a lot of skill and practice to execute properly. It’s important to start with smaller jumps and gradually work your way up to larger jumps as you improve your skills.

Do I need a special type of dirt bike to whip?

No, you don’t need a special type of dirt bike to whip. Any dirt bike can be whipped, but it’s important to make sure that your bike is in good condition and properly maintained to ensure that it can handle the stresses of jumping and landing.

Can I learn how to whip a dirt bike on my own?

It’s possible to learn how to whip a dirt bike on your own, but it’s highly recommended that you seek the guidance of an experienced rider or take a class to learn proper techniques and safety precautions.

Is whipping dangerous?

Whipping can be dangerous if not done properly. It’s important to start with smaller jumps, wear proper safety gear, and practice in a safe environment. As with any extreme sport, there is always a risk of injury, so it’s important to take the necessary precautions.

Can I whip a dirt bike if I’m a beginner?

It’s not recommended for beginners to attempt whipping a dirt bike until they have mastered basic riding techniques and have gained enough experience and confidence to attempt jumping and performing tricks safely.


Whipping a dirt bike is a thrilling and challenging maneuver that requires a lot of skill and practice to execute properly. It’s important to start with smaller jumps and gradually work your way up to larger jumps as you improve your skills.

So, whether you’re a seasoned rider or a beginner, take the time to learn proper techniques and safety precautions, and enjoy the rush of whipping your dirt bike through the air.

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